Ports and Terminals

Federal Government debates attraction of investments to Bahia ports

May, 10, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202418

Last Wednesday (8), the Bahia State Docks Company (Codeba) held a meeting in Salvador to discuss strategies for attracting investment and increasing cargo movement in Bahian ports, including Salvador, Aratu-Candeias, and Ilhéus. The meeting was attended by the National Secretary of Ports, Alex Sandro de Ávila, representing the Ministry of Ports and Airports, alongside Amanda Seabra, Director of the Investment Partnerships Program, and Adailton Dias, Deputy Secretary of Economic Infrastructure from the Ministry of the Civil House.

Ávila emphasized the importance of leasing new areas to expand port capacity and diversify cargo offerings. “At the National Ports Secretariat, under the stewardship of Minister Silvio Costa Filho, we remain steadfastly committed to bolstering investment attraction, with a keen focus on expanding port capacity and broadening the spectrum of handled commodities,” noted Ávila.

The meeting aimed to strengthen Bahia’s port infrastructure and improve the local and regional economy by attracting investment and enhancing operational efficiency at the ports, according to Antonio Gobbo, CEO of Codeba.

“We maintain continuous engagement with the Ministry of Ports and Airports, striving to synchronize strategies that foster port activity growth and, by extension, regional prosperity,” remarked Gobbo.

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