Ports and Terminals

Cargo Throughput at Port of Porto Velho Surges by Nearly 20% in Q1 2024

May, 13, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202420

The Port of Porto Velho has experienced a noteworthy surge in activity during the initial quarter of 2024, marking a substantial increase compared to the corresponding period last year. Analyzed data reveals a notable uptick of 19.75%. Between January and March 2023, cargo throughput totaled 547,988.13 tonnes, whereas during the same period this year, this figure escalated to 656,206.92 tonnes. The expansion of Rondônia’s vehicular fleet notably fueled this heightened volume of activity. Additionally, within the fuel category, the upsurge encompasses petroleum by-products, including Petroleum Asphalt Cement (CAP), propelled by the expansion of road infrastructure across the state.

Export-wise, a significant uptick of 20.20% was observed, largely propelled by intensified shipments of wood, limestone, and a 25% surge in soybean exports. Over the course of these three months, there was also a 5.16% enhancement in the influx of vehicles and fuel.

Marco Figueira, head of the statistics department at Sociedade de Portos e Hidrovias de Rondônia, a state-managed enterprise overseeing the Port of Porto Velho, suggests a prevailing trend indicating that with the reinstatement of bonded cargo operations at the port, these figures are poised to sustain positive growth throughout the year.

Fernando Parente, CEO of the Port of Porto Velho, underscored that the presented figures not only demonstrate the expansion of the port’s operations but also signify the broader economic advancement of the region. Parente contends that this upsurge in cargo throughput underscores the efficacy and significance of port operations.

“We are committed to enhancing our services and infrastructure to cater to burgeoning market demands and bolster foreign trade in Rondônia. This positive trajectory reflects the concerted efforts of our entire team and investments directed toward the modernization and expansion of the port. Our focus remains steadfast on fostering sustainable growth and contributing to the socioeconomic progress of our region,” highlighted Parente.

Source: Governo de Rondônia

Click here to read the original news report: https://rondonia.ro.gov.br/salto-positivo-nas-movimentacoes-de-cargas-e-registrado-pelo-porto-de-porto-velho-no-primeiro-trimestre-de-2024/

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