Ports and Terminals

Humanitarian Aid Ships to Be Granted Docking Priority, Fee Exemption at Port of Santos

May, 14, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202420

Given the state of public calamity prevailing in part of the national territory (Decree No. 57,596, of May 1, 2024), due to climatic events in Rio Grande do Sul, which has generated an intense solidarity campaign with the inhabitants of that region, the National Waterborne Transportation Agency (Antaq), going hand-in-hand with an existing norm at the Santos Port Authority (APS), has instructed public port authorities to grant docking preference to vessels used for transporting donations to flood victims in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The resolution was signed by Antaq’s director, Eduardo Nery Machado Filho, and was discussed at a meeting on Monday afternoon (13/5) at APS. The decision underscores the importance of waterway and port infrastructure in facilitating the logistics of delivering donations to flood victims, given that a large portion of the donations is transported by vessels, especially in containers.

Fee exemption

Antaq also instructed public port authorities to grant total fee exemption to cargo containing humanitarian aid items destined for flood victims in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Anderson Pomini, president of the Santos Port Authority, instructed that a document be prepared and submitted to the board as soon as possible to authorize the implementation of full exemption for other operations involving humanitarian cargoes destined for Rio Grande do Sul.

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