Ports and Terminals

Port of Imbituba handled over 3.6 million tonnes by May

Jun, 14, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202425

Keeping up with its expressive results streak, the Imbituba Port Authority has reached the end of May with pungent figures. Cargo throughput grew 13% from the same period last year, adding 3.6 million tonnes to the year-to-date.

Monthly cargo operations also hit their peak in May, reaching 725 thousand tonnes, up 3.5% from May 2023, and 6% from April 2024. These figures prove that Imbituba Port is continuously advancing toward the development of its operations.

On a different note, 33 vessels made their way to Imbituba in May, up 17.8% from April, marking the best month on record.

In May, there was a change in the grid of cargo operations in the Port, with a significant increase in shipments compared to April (+41.6%). Year-on-tear the increase stood at 4.3%, making exports the primary activity held at the port. Incoming imports dropped (21.9%) in May compared to April and by -16.8% compared to May 2023.

Petroleum coke, containers, soybean and corn meal, wheat, salt, and soybeans continue to be the most frequently loaded and unloaded commodities. The expressive volume of sugar shipments that passed through Imbitua, approximately, 50.8 thousand tonnes, made it the top cargo in the bulk category.

The prevalence of exports in the first five months of the year (54.5% share) is accompanied by a 20.8% uptick in tonnage sent abroad compared to the same five-month period last year. Conversely, imports accounted for 36.5% of all cargo operations, up 11.3% from a year ago.

Coastal shipping operations accounted for 8.8% of the cargo throughput, plunging 15.9% from a year ago.

According to data from the Federal Government, via the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, import and export operations in Imbituba generated more than 925 million dollars in the first five months of 2024, up 12% from the same period of 2023.

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