Port of Santos: Relocation of Passenger Terminal to historic Valongo area debated in public hearing
Jun, 17, 2024 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202424
The relocation of the Port of Santos Passenger Terminal, controlled by Concais S/A, from Outeirinhos to the region known as Valongo was the focus of Public Hearing No. 02/2024, held on June 14. The hearing aimed to gather contributions to aid decision-making at the Santos Port Authority (APS) through broad and unrestricted public participation.
APS President Anderson Pomini emphasized the importance of centering public involvement in port-related discussions. He also announced an upcoming hearing to debate the currently available infrastructure for the container market at the Port of Santos.
On the topic of making Valongo pier a point for passenger movement, Pomini noted it aligns with the City of Santos’ long-held desire to integrate this area of the port with the Historic Center’s redevelopment projects. This move underscores the commitment to urban development and regional enhancement. “On this note, it is important to acknowledge the efforts of the local administration to implement the Valong Park, which bear witness to the existing synergy with the idea of creating a cruise ship terminal on the site,” he added.
Pomini explained that the Development and Zoning Plan of the Port of Santos (PDZ) designates the historic Valongo pier for passenger cruise ship operations. Meanwhile, the Outeirinhos region, where the current cruise terminal is located, will be repurposed for cargo operation, improving logistical efficiency and expanding mineral bulk capacity for a solid mineral bulk unloading cluster.
The primary goal of relocating passenger operations to Valongo, as outlined in the PDZ, is to help alleviate the issue of little waterway capacity for cruise ship docking. This move will completely separate cargo and passenger operations, eliminating traffic conflicts and utilizing alternative routes to port avenues.
Moreover, the change will centralize passenger traffic near the historic center of Santos, encouraging tourism and boosting local commerce, which will benefit the city and enhance the revitalization and appreciation of the Center.
The panel at the hearing included President Pomini, Federal Deputy Paulo Alexandre Barbosa, Santos City Hall’s Secretary of Entrepreneurship, Economy and Tourism Selley Storino, Antaq’s regional deputy manager Daniel Alves dos Santos, and Concais’ Director of Engineering Leandro Chiachio.
Public Hearing
Starting June 5th, the company has made available on its website (https://www.portodesantos.com.br/consulta-publica-e-audiencia-publica-no-02-2024-sobre-substituicao-de-area-no-porto-de-santos-concais/) the documents on Public Consultation and Public Hearing No. 2. Contributions can be submitted to APS until 11:59 pm on June 21st via the “Participate + Brazil” platform, requiring the participant’s name and CPF number. Submitted contributions will be made publicly accessible on the APS website.
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