Ports and Terminals

Truck yard to be built in Santos region with billion-dollar investment

Jun, 24, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

The Santos Port Authority (APS) is set to put up for tender a prime area on Ilha do Tatu, adjacent to the Maria Covas Viaduct in Cubatão, on July 10 at 9 am. The goal is to delegate the construction of a logistics condominium, complete with a regulatory yard for trucks, to the private sector. This project, with an estimated investment of over R$3 billion, has sparked both anticipation and concern among local self-employed truck drivers regarding potential traffic bottlenecks in the region. Notably, a planned meeting to discuss the project was canceled by the APS last week, leaving many questions unanswered.

Edson Elias Celestino, president of the Cubatão Truck Drivers Association (ACC) and a resident of the Bolsão 8 neighborhood opposite Ilha do Tatu, expressed worries about potential traffic in nearby areas. “We want to understand the scope of the project, and whether there will be improvements or negative impacts. For instance, Bolsão 8 and Ilha Caraguatá only have one entry and exit point. This could lead to significant traffic congestion,” he said.

Celestino also questioned whether local residents would benefit from the project. “Local truck drivers currently cannot park in their own neighborhoods. There have been promises of reserving some spaces in the new yard, but these need to be formalized.”

On a more optimistic note, Luciano Carvalho, president of the Union of Autonomous Road Transporters of Goods of Baixada Santista and Vale do Ribeira (Sindicam), highlighted the potential benefits. “The yard will be beneficial for truck drivers from Cubatão, Santos, Guarujá, Praia Grande, and São Vicente. Existing yards do not meet current demand and fail to regulate traffic effectively,” he said. “The new yard, designed as a regulatory facility, will streamline operations by ensuring that trucks pass through and are scheduled for unloading, thus regulating port traffic more efficiently.”

Public-private partnership

The project involves a public-private partnership (PPP) for the onerous transfer of a 530,000 square meter Union area, with a counterpart of 100,000 square meters allocated for the construction of a truck sorting yard, logistics condominium, and related activities, offering 800 parking spaces.


However, opposition exists. Mayor Ademário Oliveira of Cubatão voiced strong opposition, citing potential adverse effects on residents of Ilha Caraguatá, Jardim Casqueiro, Parque São Luís, and Vila dos Pescadores, who rely on the interconnection of the Anchieta and Imigrantes highways for daily access. The Cubatão City Council also officially opposed the project, stating, “We strongly object to the federal agency’s decision, which could impact the lives of 60,000 people.”

Source: A Tribuna

Click here to read the original news report: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/patio-para-caminh-es-sera-construido-na-baixada-santista-com-investimento-bilionario-1.424001

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