Other Logistics

VLI opens new Operational Control Center in Belo Horizonte

Jun, 28, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

VLI has unveiled its new Operational Control Center (CCO) in Belo Horizonte, which will oversee the company’s entire railway operations across Brazil. Equipped with cutting-edge computers and management systems, the center employs a working model that groups teams in logistics corridors, enhancing the integration between specialists in intelligence, analysis, and operations. This setup ensures more agile and precise responses to operational demands. The project represents an investment of nearly R$7 million.

The CCO is designed to support VLI’s continuous pursuit of operational excellence, enhancing the efficiency and safety of train and route management, and ultimately adding value to customers’ businesses. Inspired by leading CCOs globally and in Brazil, the center incorporates features like acoustic insulation, ergonomic design, and optimal lighting to reduce fatigue and ensure the well-being of its staff.

“The Operational Control Center is the heart of VLI’s operations. It provides a 360-degree view of all cargo activities, allowing us to gather qualified information that enhances operational efficiency and safety, which in turn benefits our clients’ supply chains,” says Alessandro Gama, VLI’s Executive Director of Operations.

VLI’s CCO provides comprehensive oversight of train movements on the Centro-Atlântica Railway and the northern section of the North-South Railway, where important goods to the economy are transported. In real-time, technical experts monitor the flow of locomotives and wagons on electronic panels, receiving integrated information for strategic decision-making on train routes, traffic authorization, stopping times, yard circulation, and train reliability control, among other operations.

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