Ports and Terminals

Pecém and Sines Ports forge strategic alliance for sustainable logistics corridors

Jul, 02, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

On June 28th, the Pecém Industrial Port Complex in Brazil signed a memorandum of understanding with the Administration of the Ports of Sines and the Algarve (APS) in Portugal. The objective of this agreement is to develop sustainable logistics corridors aimed at attracting strategic investments and promoting industrial policies, particularly in sectors such as agribusiness, synthetic fuels, and green hydrogen.

This initiative falls under the framework of the Global Gateway, a European strategy launched in December 2021 to foster smart, clean, and secure connections across digital, energy, and transport sectors. Aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, the Global Gateway aims to invest 300 billion euros by 2027 across key areas including digitalization, climate and energy, transport, health, and education.

Hugo Figueirêdo, president of the Pecém Complex, emphasized the significance of the alliance with Sines in enhancing Pecém’s integration strategy with the European Union. This partnership is expected to expand market access for Pecém’s projects and secure financing from the Global Gateway, particularly for initiatives within the Green Hydrogen Hub and the Transnordestina railway.

José Luis Cacho, president of APS, stressed the competitive advantages brought by this strategic partnership, hauling Sines as a key gateway for Brazilian exports to Europe, especially food items and raw materials.

Source: Portal IN

Click here to read the original news report: https://www.portalin.com.br/negocios/complexo-do-pecem-e-porto-de-sines-assinam-memorando-de-entendimento-para-desenvolver-corredor-logistico-sustentavel/

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