Ports and Terminals

Port of Rio Grande begins dredging access channel hit by floods

Jul, 04, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202426

Port authority Portos RS initiated an urgent dredging operation on Wednesday (3/7) to recover the most critical section of the access channel to the Port of Rio Grande, in an area outside Molhes da Barra. The work is being carried out by the dredger Galileo Galilei from the fleet of Jan de Nul, based on an ongoing contract between the port authority and Van Oord.

According to infrastructure director Lucas Meurer, R$21.5 million will be invested to remove 593,000 m³ of sediment. The service is expected to be completed within 20 days. The dredging volume was determined by bathymetry conducted in May after an incident involving a vessel.

Floods during the same period also contributed to the silting of the waterway and the access channel to the Port of Rio Grande. However, the work will only cover a section of approximately three kilometers. More extensive dredging is planned to restore depths.

The Port of Rio Grande is strategic for southern Brazil’s logistics. The chart below shows the top 10 most exported container cargo recorded for the port in the year’s first five months. The information comes from DataLiner.

Rio Grande Port Top Export Cargo | 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Portos RS is seeking, along with the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT), an alternative to execute the work. In a recent meeting, the federal body committed to developing the project and forwarding it to the Ministry of Ports and Airports after receiving bathymetry data, the volume to be dredged, and dredging costs.

Source: Agora no Vale

Click here to access the original news report: https://agoranovale.com.br/noticias/riograndedosul/comeca-a-dragagem-do-canal-de-acesso-ao-porto-de-rio-grande-apos-enchentes/

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