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Uruguay exports up 10% year-to-date

Jul, 19, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202429

According to figures from Uruguay XXI, Uruguay’s exports totaled US$6,187 million in the first half of the year, up 10% from the same period a year prior. In June alone, a total of US$1,266 million worth of goods were exported, a 34% increase compared to the same month in 2023.

The upsurge was mainly due to increased soybean exports, which rebounded significantly from last year’s drought. There has also been an increase in pulp exports due to the inauguration of a second UPM plant. On the other hand, meat exports have remained stable, although shipments to China contracted a little, which higher sales to the United States have offset.

The following chart compares container exports and imports at the Port of Montevideo between January 2021 and May 2024. It uses data derived from Datamar’s maritime intelligence service, DataLiner.

Uruguay Exports and Imports | Jan 2021 – May 2024 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The export value of dairy products has also dropped owing to lower prices in the international market. According to recent data, cellulose became Uruguay’s top export commodity this year, surpassing beef.

Source: Subrayado

Click here to read this story’s original article in Spanish: https://www.subrayado.com.uy/las-exportaciones-suben-10-lo-que-va-del-ano-n950925

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