Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos publishes yet another issue of “Facts and Data” report

Jul, 22, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202430

The Santos Port Authority has released the 2024 edition of its “Facts and Data” report for the Port of Santos, containing updated information for the base year 2023. This is the fifth annual edition of the document, serving as a reliable research source for those interested in the port’s operations.

The “Facts and Data 2024” report provides comprehensive details on cargo throughput for 2023, including the number of warehouses, yards, and their capacities, the number of terminals and their specialties, international routes, the number of berths, and other relevant information about the harbor.

The “Facts and Data 2024” report is now available on the Port of Santos website, with a printed version currently in preparation.

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