Ports and Terminals

Sergipe Gov’t Advances Talks on Bringing Container Operations to Local Port

Aug, 21, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202434

As part of ongoing efforts to expand foreign trade in Sergipe, a meeting was held on Monday, the 19th, to coordinate container operations in the state. The discussion centered around the movement of goods through the Customs Transit Declaration (DTA) at the Inácio Barbosa Maritime Terminal (TMIB). The State Department of Economic Development and Science and Technology (Sedetec) hosted the meeting.

The DTA allows imported goods to be transported within Brazil under the jurisdiction of the Federal Revenue Service. Goods move from one customs area to another with tax payments deferred until they reach their final destination.

The meeting brought together representatives from the Economic Development Company of Sergipe (Codise), the State Department of Finance (Sefaz), the Federal Revenue Service, and VLI, the company that manages TMIB.

Valmor Barbosa, Secretary of Sedetec, explained that these discussions aimed to streamline the traffic of goods and create new business opportunities for Sergipe. “We’re focused on expanding operations at TMIB. Governor Fábio Mitidieri is pushing to advance these talks so we can open new trade routes,” he said.

“Our immediate goal is to assess the scope of the operation and identify what’s needed. The hope is that once the project gets going, it will grow as more operators come on board. This effort will help attract more industries to Sergipe,” added Ronaldo Guimarães, CEO of Codise.

Potential for Growth

During the meeting, the Federal Revenue Service presented data on customs transit in Sergipe, highlighting the potential for growth in the state’s container market. “Over the last three years, we’ve seen substantial growth at TMIB: a 60% increase from 2022 to 2023 and about 40% from 2023 to 2024. We expect these numbers to keep rising as the market develops, with TMIB playing a key role in that growth,” said Gustavo Muniz, a tax auditor with the Federal Revenue Service.

Elias Rezende, VLI’s Director of Institutional Relations, outlined some strategies for improving goods transit in Sergipe. “We have storage space available, but we depend on the number of containers operated to attract shipping companies. We’ve been working with Sedetec on a plan where the DTA would be a key part of the operation,” he explained.

Alberto Schetine, Deputy Secretary of State Revenue at Sefaz, acknowledged the challenges of implementing the DTA model in Sergipe. “Our goal is to boost imports into the state, but we need to update existing legislation to incorporate the DTA and ensure we provide the right incentives,” he said.

Eduardo Porto, CEO of LPS Trading, emphasized that using the DTA for container shipments could significantly boost Sergipe’s trade. “If we can implement the DTA process and handle nationalization at TMIB, with the aid of the new import law in the works, it will make operations highly feasible. Within a year or two, we could have over 300 companies regularly importing, taking full advantage of these tax benefits,” he noted.

Export Processing Zone (EPZ)

In a related effort to boost foreign trade, Sergipe is also considering creating an Export Processing Zone (EPZ). Another meeting on the 16th explored ways to attract new businesses to the state and improve its competitiveness in global markets. Key topics included selecting a location for the EPZ and forming working groups to move the project forward.

EPZs are special trade zones that cater to companies producing goods for export. These zones allow up to 20% of production to be sold domestically and offer companies various tax, foreign exchange, and administrative incentives.

Source: Capital do Agreste

Click here to access the original text: https://www.capitaldoagreste.com.br/governo-do-estado-discute-operacao-de-conteineres-no-porto-de-sergipe/

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