Ports and Terminals

Fertilizer Importers in Santa Catarina Report Delays at São Francisco do Sul Port

Aug, 23, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202434

Fertilizer importers in Santa Catarina have raised concerns about delays in unloading products at the São Francisco do Sul port, with grave repercussions for rural producers. The delays coincide with the planting season, increasing farmers’ costs and potentially jeopardizing the state’s harvest.

The Acia fertilizer importers association, representing eight companies that account for 90% of the state’s fertilizer supply, spearheads the movement demanding faster unloading. Established this month, Acia aims to address the sector’s pressing issues.

Currently, fertilizer importers at São Francisco do Sul port lack a unified channel for addressing grievances with the port authority and related public services. Individual complaints have been ineffective in resolving the issue.

According to the Santa Catarina Farming Cooperatives Federation (Fecoagro), São Francisco do Sul port handled 2.8 million tons of fertilizers in 2023, accounting for about 70% of the terminal’s imports. However, this increase occurred without a corresponding expansion of port facilities.

“The port is congested, and fertilizer ships are being delayed, which hinders timely delivery for planting and significantly raises farmers’ input costs,” the organization states.

Fertilizer companies urge authorities to recognize that fertilizers must be unloaded and applied to crop soil within a specific timeframe. Delays risk missing the optimal planting window, which could compromise agricultural yields and impact the grain and animal protein sectors.

“Fertilizers are the starting point in the agricultural chain, and if these products aren’t available on time, the entire sector suffers,” claim importers and distributors. The São Francisco do Sul port has not yet commented on the matter.

Port Growth

Managed by the state government, São Francisco do Sul port handled 8.7 million tons in the first half of the year, marking a 16% increase from the same period in 2023. June was the sixth consecutive month of growth for the terminal. Last year, the port set a record with 16.8 million tons handled.

Exports accounted for 59% of the cargo this year (5.1 million tons), with soybeans leading the charge (4 million tons), followed by corn (910,000 tons) and wood (103,000 tons). Imports reached 3.6 million tons (41%), with steel products (1.9 million tons) and fertilizers (1.1 million tons) as the main categories.

Importing fertilizers is a crucial activity for the port, with repercussions for the entire agricultural supply chain. “We handle fertilizers and export grains within the agribusiness sector, and we also play a key role in transporting steel and other metallurgical materials for the metal-mechanical industry,” says Cleverton Vieira, the port’s president.

The chart below uses information derived from DataLiner, a Datamar-powered maritime intelligence service, to provide an overview of fertilizer imports registered at the Port of São Francisco do Sul between January 2021 and June 2024. Readers may request a demo using the link below.

Fertilizer Imports via S. Francisco do Sul | Jan 2021 – Jun 2024 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The port’s versatility is evident in its ramifications in various segments. According to Vieira, São Francisco do Sul is designed as a multipurpose public port. With the ongoing increase in cargo volume, plans are underway to enhance infrastructure, including a R$300 million project to widen and deepen Babitonga Bay, which will accommodate ships up to 366 meters long.

Source: Diarinho.net

Click here to access the original text: https://diarinho.net/materia/655502/Atraso-no-desembarque-de-fertilizantes-ameaca-safra-do-agro-em-Santa-Catarina

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