Ports and Terminals

Bill proposes new public port authority in Alagoas

Sep, 04, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202436

The Brazilian government has introduced Bill 3034/24, which aims to create the Alagoas Docks Company, a public organization that will oversee operations at the Port of Maceió. The new state-owned company will be linked to the Ministry of Ports and Airports. The bill is currently under review at the Lower House of Congress.

The company will be created through the partial split of Rio Grande do Norte Docks Company (Codern), which currently oversees the Port of Maceió, as well as the ports of Natal and Areia Branca in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

The government argues that creating an Alagoas-based port authority is essential for the Port of Maceió’s growth. Additionally, the move complies with a recommendation from the Federal Audit Court TCU.

The Port of Maceió currently features areas equipped for cargo handling and storage areas, a passenger terminal, and seven berths (six of which are operational). The port’s primary cargo includes sugar, fertilizer, and gasoline.


According to the bill, the partial split of Codern will be decided by the company’s board. As an interim measure, the government is authorizing the creation of a Codern subsidiary to manage the Port of Maceió.

The subsidiary will serve as a stopgap organization until the legal establishment of the Alagoas Docks Company and the transfer of all assets, contracts, and agreements to the new company.

BNDES Involvement

The bill also authorizes the federal government to contract the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) without a bidding process to aid in the revitalization of state-owned companies, including port authorities.

The government believes this measure will enable the bank to conduct studies to redefine the company’s strategic role and ensure federal ports’ economic and financial feasibility. Under the bill, BNDES would be allowed to hire private consultants to prepare these studies.

Next Steps

The bill will be forwarded to the relevant committees in the Chamber of Deputies for further review.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias

Click here to access the original text: https://www.camara.leg.br/noticias/1093924-projeto-do-governo-autoriza-criacao-de-companhia-docas-de-alagoas/

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