Ports and Terminals

Portos do Paraná Hits New Historical Record with Significant Growth in Imports

Sep, 11, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202437

The Paraná ports have reached another historical milestone in cargo handling. In August 2024, they handled 6,869,966 tonnes, surpassing the previous record by 4%, which was set in June of this year when the volume reached 6,582,670 tonnes.

“The alignment of logistics strategies and the integrated work of the teams have been decisive in enhancing our performance and positioning the Paraná ports as a benchmark in the national scene,” highlighted Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of Portos do Paraná.

The highlight of the month was the imports, which saw a significant increase of 41% compared to the same period in 2023. The volume rose from 1,741,094 tonnes to 2,446,892 tons, driven mainly by the import of fertilizers, which totaled 1,183,490 tonnes—an impressive 59% increase compared to last year (745,201 tons).

Another notable segment was containers, which saw a 22% increase in imports, handling 62,218 TEUs, compared to 51,017 TEUs in the same period of 2023.

Below is a historical overview of Brazilian container imports via the Port of Paranaguá from January 2022. Data is from DataLiner:

Container Imports via Port of Paranaguá | TEUs | Jan 2022 to July 2024

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demonstration)

In exports, the Paraná ports also registered growth, handling 4,423,074 tonnes in August 2024, a 3% increase compared to the same period the previous year (4,301,622 tons). Soybeans were the main exported product, with 1,863,825 tonnes, 10% above the volume recorded in August 2023 (1,694,016 tons).

Even with adverse weather conditions, such as five days of rain and eight days of fog that impacted bulk cargo handling, the logistical performance was not compromised. “We achieved a historic result, with high productivity efficiency, especially concerning rail unloading. With the completion of the Moegão works, we project an even greater increase in movements and attraction of business with new investors,” stated Gabriel Vieira, Director of Operations at Portos do Paraná.

The Moegão, the largest ongoing port project in Brazil, is a strategic initiative for the Paraná ports. With an investment of R$ 592 million, the project aims to reduce urban rail crossings and increase the train reception capacity by 65%, from 550 to 900 trains per day. Completion is expected in the second half of 2025, promising to further optimize the flow of rail cargo.

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