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Onions/Cepea: August Exports Reach All-Time High in Revenue

Sep, 12, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202437

Brazilian onion exports continued to perform strongly in August. According to Comex Stat, the quantity shipped last month was the second highest monthly volume since the start of the historical series in 1997—nearly 14,000 tonnes, a 154% increase over July 2024. In terms of revenue, the exports generated $8.7 million, marking the highest monthly value ever recorded by Comex Stat and representing a 174% increase compared to July.

The primary destinations for these exports are neighboring countries (Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay). Argentina was the main recipient of Brazilian onions, accounting for 55% of the total volume shipped. It is worth noting that Argentina had supplied the Brazilian market earlier in the year due to production shortfalls in the South, which created a supply gap. Recently, the primary reason for Argentina’s need to import was a delay in the northern Argentine harvest (a region typically supplying during this period).

Last week, the volume of shipments was already lower, and expectations are that orders will decline further going forward due to the improved pace of the Argentine harvest.

Source: HF Brasil

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