Ports and Terminals

Port of Natal Administrator Announces New President

Sep, 13, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202437

The Companhia Docas do Rio Grande do Norte (Codern), the administrator of the Port of Natal, announced that it appointed a new president for the federal authority on Wednesday (September 11).

Paulo Henrique de Macedo Carlos, who was already serving as interim president, was elected by the Board of Directors in an extraordinary meeting.

The new president, previously the company’s Technical and Commercial Director will continue to perform this role in the interim until a new appointment is made.

He takes over from Estéferson Ubarana Gomes da Silva, who led the company from May 2023 but had his term ended prematurely in August this year.

Paulo is a lawyer with management experience. He has served as the State Secretary for Agrarian Reform, the General Coordinator of Sustainable Development Plans for Mossoró and Assu, and an advisor at the Technology Division of the Gas and Renewable Energies Center—CTGAS-ER.

“The Ministry approved the new president’s appointment of Ports and Airports and the Eligibility Committee, meeting all required criteria,” said the state-owned company.

The interim Administrative and Financial Director of Codern, Francisco Josefran de Aquino Júnior, attended the swearing-in ceremony. He replaces Márcio de Almeida Machado, who left Codern on the same date as Estéferson Ubarana.

Source: G1



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