Ports and Terminals

“Super Terminais Launches Operation Itacoatiara to Ensure Cargo Transport Amid Severe Drought”

Sep, 16, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202438

Super Terminais, the private terminal at the Manaus Industrial Hub, launched Operation Itacoatiara on Thursday (12) to address logistics challenges during a severe drought. At 4 PM, the MSC Manya arrived at the floating port in Itacoatiara with 1,156 containers.

The vessel was the first to dock at the facility set up by Super Terminais in Itacoatiara, which has received an investment of R$45 million to tackle drought challenges, ensure cargo transport to Manaus, and ensure the continued operation of the state’s industries. The next ship to dock was the Hansa Asia on Sunday (15) at 7 AM.

“This operation reflects our commitment to maintaining the supply of inputs and the flow of local production, ensuring economic stability and job retention in the region,” said Marcello Di Gregorio, Director of Super Terminais.

The initiative to ensure security and efficiency in port logistics during the severe drought includes acquiring essential equipment such as mooring buoys, anchors, and pumps, conducting bathymetric and soil studies, and covering expenses for employee transport, accommodation, and meals, office rentals, and other operational needs.

The Operation
Heitor Augusto de Souza Lima, a naval engineer from PGE, developed Operation Itacoatiara. The project team focused on creating a complex yet essential solution for the continuity of the Amazonian industry.

The operation is conducted on a 300,000-square-meter area acquired exclusively for Super Terminais. It is located on the left bank of the Amazon River, with paved road access via the Itacoatiara Airport road, just 1.4 km from the local public port.

The operation module is positioned 100 meters from the shore, with a draft depth of 34 meters, accommodating all types and sizes of currently operated vessels without difficulty. Navigation between Itacoatiara and Manaus is optimized, with a travel time estimated at 18 hours outbound (108 nautical miles or approximately 200 km) and 12 hours return.

The initiative focuses on container transshipment, with facilities available from September to December or until the river’s draft normalizes. A 240-meter-long, 24-meter-wide floating pier houses three Konecranes ESP10 cranes, each with a 64-meter boom and powered by four 500 Kva generators, including one backup generator.

Operations run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in three shifts. Super Terminais is the only port authorized for continuous operation. The main goal is to unload 100% of the ship’s cargo and continue with barge operations to the port of Manaus.

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