Ports and Terminals

Instability in Access System at Salvador Port Causes Over 6 km Truck Backup

Sep, 19, 2024 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202438

An instability in the access system to the Port of Salvador caused a long line of trucks over 6 km on Thursday (19th) morning. The vehicles were stalled between the Rótula do Abacaxi and the Comércio neighborhood.

Some truck drivers reported that the system was malfunctioning, and they waited over five hours to enter the port. The workers claimed that Federal Highway Police (PRF) agents asked them to remove their vehicles from the road.

In a statement, the Port Authority of Bahia (CODEBA) informed that the access system to the Salvador Container Terminal (Tecon) experienced instability on Thursday, which caused a truck traffic jam on the Expressway.

The Port Authority also stated that it increased its workforce to meet the high demand caused by the arrival of new shipping routes and greater truck movement in the port area and that it provided full support to resolve the issue.

The Container Terminal reported that the operational system experienced instability in the database for approximately two hours on Wednesday (18), which impacted truck entry and exit.

According to Tecon, due to the intense scheduled movement, a backlog began at the vehicle entry/exit points. As a result, a task force was needed to mitigate the impacts.

Source: G1

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