Santos Port Revives Plans for Overwater Cruise Terminal Amid STS10 Terminal Talks
Oct, 18, 2024 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202440
The Santos Port Authority (APS) submitted a proposal to the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) last Thursday (October 17) for the construction of a new Giusfredo Santini Passenger Terminal operated by Concais. The terminal would be located in front of the former Warehouse 1 in the Valongo district, as announced by APS President Anderson Pomini to A Tribuna.
The proposed terminal would extend over the water, featuring a pier capable of docking three cruise ships positioned about 200 meters offshore. It would span the entire waterfront in front of the warehouses, extending to the new Valongo Park.
This was the original plan for relocating the Concais terminal from Outeirinhos to Valongo, presented in 2022. However, due to higher costs, the project was adjusted to occupy a “V-shaped” area currently used by Ecoporto at the STS10 terminal in the Saboó pier.
The revival of the original proposal comes after the Federal Government announced on October 15 that the entire STS10 area would be auctioned for the development of a mega-container terminal, leaving no space for the cruise terminal.
No Overlap with STS10
“We leveraged the design that extends over the water, avoiding any conflict with STS10, which will occupy the entire 602,000-square-meter area at Saboó and become Tecon 10,” Pomini explained. “Since there was already a decision to relocate Concais, we took advantage of one of the pre-existing projects.”
According to Pomini, Antaq is now responsible for calculating the investment costs, determining the credit Concais can utilize for the relocation, and identifying any remaining financial obligations the company would need to cover.
“After Antaq’s review, the proposal will return to the port, and we can sign the contract or, if necessary, submit it to the Federal Audit Court (TCU) for legal validation,” Pomini said.
He also confirmed that the entire land-side infrastructure planned for Concais, including the parking garage, will remain intact.
Pomini noted that APS plans to continue renewing its six-month contract with Ecoporto for the next three years until the construction of the container terminal at STS10 begins. “After that, Ecoporto will either relocate to another area or have its contract terminated.”
Regarding the STS10 auction set for 2025—a decision made jointly with the Presidential Office’s Chief of Staff—Pomini acknowledged his involvement in discussions but highlighted a previous concern. In August, he had stated that STS10 could not become operational until two overpasses at Alemoa, scheduled for completion in 2028, were constructed to prevent logistical chaos due to the increased truck traffic toward the mega-terminal.
“The port remains focused on ensuring that the new terminal has additional access roads and that its implementation aligns with the timeline for building the two overpasses. Since the STS10 project will take three to four years to complete, the timing should coincide with the overpass construction.”
Pomini also emphasized that the STS10 auction will require the winning bidder to share responsibility for building truck yards and improving access routes.
The Terminal Plan
According to Concais’ proposal, the new passenger terminal would feature a building over the water, situated in front of the former Warehouse 1. A 200-meter pier would allow for the simultaneous docking of three cruise ships. The terminal building would include a food court and a pedestrian walkway leading to the boarding platform. On land, the project includes a parking garage with space for 800 vehicles, along with other associated facilities. However, the cost of construction over the water is significantly higher.
Source: A Tribuna
Original news article available at: https://www.atribuna.com.br/noticias/portomar/aps-retoma-projeto-inicial-do-terminal-de-passageiros-sobre-o-mar-no-porto-de-santos-1.438245
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