Exportações de camarão argentino - Argentine shrimp exports

Argentina: Government authorizes shrimp fishing in the North

Jul, 19, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201930

The Federal Fisheries Council of Argentina authorized five days of shrimp exploration between the parallels 43 and 44, in the northern area of ​​the country.

Eighteen boats will participate in the activity, which begins next Tuesday (07/23). This is because there has been a decrease in yields in shrimp fishing in the southern zone, both in volume and in size.

In addition, the Council has already authorized the Undersecretariat of Fisheries of the Nation to open the area for the rest of the vessels should the results of the survey be favorable.

As of July 14, 10,200 tons of hake had already been fished. The landings of shrimp in the period were about 82,000 tons.

Source: Pescare

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