Ports and Terminals

VLI Begins Shipping 2024/25 Soybean Crop as Brazil Readies for Record Harvest

Feb, 18, 2025 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202508

VLI has kicked off shipments of Brazil’s 2024/25 soybean crop, which is projected to reach a record-breaking 166 million tonnes—up 12.4% from the previous season, according to estimates from the National Supply Company (Conab). From mid-February through the second half of the year, soybeans harvested in Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Bahia, and Pará will be transported via VLI’s logistics axis: the East and Southeast corridors, served by the Centro-Atlântica Railway (FCA), and the Northern corridor, which operates along the North-South Railway (FNS).

Shipments are handled through VLI’s multimodal logistics network, which integrates key terminals. The Porto Nacional, Palmeirante, and Porto Franco logistics hubs are linked to the São Luís Port Terminal (TPSL) in the Northern Corridor. Meanwhile, in the East and Southeast corridors, terminals in Araguari, Pirapora, and Uberaba (Minas Gerais) connect to the Port of Tubarão (Espírito Santo) and the Luís Antônio Mesquita Port Integrator Terminal (Tiplam) in the Santos metropolitan region.

“The soybean harvest is a cornerstone of Brazil’s economy, driving a complex supply chain that spans from primary production to industrial processing and meat production. The seamless integration of ports, railways, and terminals enhances efficiency and reliability for our customers, ensuring Brazilian soy reaches global markets, including Asia, Europe, and the United States,” said Gabriel Fonseca, VLI’s General Commercial Manager for Grains.

Beyond soybeans, Brazil is also on track for an all-time high in overall grain production this season. According to Conab’s February report, total grain output is expected to reach 325.7 million tonnes, a 9.4% increase over the previous season. The surge is driven by a 2.1% expansion in area—estimated at 81.6 million hectares—and a 7.1% recovery in average yields, projected at 3,990 kilograms.

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