Ports and Terminals

Navigational Depths of the Port of Itajaí Record Historical Measurements

Sep, 12, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201938

Last Tuesday, 09/10, the Port of Itajaí Superintendence communicated through a letter sent by the Port Authority Office in Itajaí regarding the recommendations for review of the port operation parameters along the Itajaí Port Complex, by means of presentation of bathymetric surveys at the Brazilian Navy and Practice Services on August 30 and September 5.

The results of the new bathymetries (ocean, lake, and river depth measurement), performed by a company hired by the Port of Itajaí Superintendence, evaluated the results in all of the waterway access, including berths, evolution basins, and internal and external channels.

According to the Maritime Authority Practicing and Approval services (Marine), the results were evaluated based on the maintenance dredging works that are constantly being carried out.

In the external and internal channel, the minimum depths reached 14.10 meters and 14.00 meters. In stretches 1 and 2 of the Evolution Basin, the depths were 14.00 meters, and in the four berths of the Port of Itajaí (APMT and public port), the depths were also equal to 14.00 meters.

The news pleased all who work directly in the Port Complex, and especially the Port of Itajaí, as these indexes are the best ever reported in the history of depth measurements, which consequently reflect improvement in the operational draft.

“The Port of Itajaí is considered the most representative port in the state of Santa Catarina and the second in the country in cargo handling. With these positive results, we will continue with the good numbers that we are achieving monthly, such as the new nautical signaling of access to the complex and the completion of the first stage of the Evolution Basin works, among other actions that leverage our economy, above all is our duty to ensure shipowners safety, as we are one of the best ports in the country for vessel traffic,” said Fábio da Veiga, superintendent of the Port of Itajaí.

The Port of Itajaí Superintendency has a five-year contract (2019-2023) with VanOord for access channel dredging maintenance services.

“Without dredging there is no port. The natural depth of the Itajaí-Açú River is 7 meters and we have maintained the depth of the river at 14 meters. With this depth index, vessels can safely dock at the Port of Itajaí and Port Complex as a whole. This contributes to annual container handling exceeding the range of over 1m containers, generating profit, income, and especially jobs for the entire region. Above all, it is a dredger that has an environmental license, has authorization from the Navy and all the permits that apply to it,” concludes André Luiz Pimentel Leite da Silva Junior – Technical Director of the Port of Itajaí Superintendence.

The dredger has a PGRS – Solid Waste Management Plan, which obeys the maintenance dredging license and is obligated to comply with the standards by contract. The estimated annual dredging volume is around 3.1m cubic meters per year. This accumulated amount must be overcomed annually to meet the 14-meter sailing quotas as predicted in the contract.

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