
China opens soybean meal market to Argentina in ‘historic’ deal

Sep, 13, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201938

China will allow the importation of soybean animal feed from Argentina for the first time in a deal announced by Buenos Aires last Tuesday (09/10).

Last month, Chinese officials inspected Argentine soy meal factories before the deal was signed.

For years Argentina has tried to enter the Chinese market, the world’s largest consumer of soymeal, used to feed its huge pig herd.

The US-China trade war, however, has strengthened Argentina, prompting China to expand its soymeal import options, market sources said.

“This is a historic deal,” Gustavo Idigoras, chairman of Argentina’s CIARA-CEC grain exporters, told Reuters, although he added that the deal still requires a two-step process for plant authorizations and registrations that may take several months.

Source: Reuters

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