Trade Regulations

Austria rejects EU-Mercosur agreement

Sep, 19, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201939

According to Reuters, the Austrian Parliament rejected the trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur on Wednesday (09/18), forcing the government to vote against the proposal before the European Council. To enter into force, the agreement needs the approval of all 28 EU member countries.

According to the Europeans, the trade agreement between the two blocs provides for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, which includes, among other things, combating deforestation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Optimistic caution

For the Brazilian government, the decision of the Austrian parliament is viewed with optimistic caution as Austria will undergo new legislative elections ten days from now. The greatest risk is that other European countries will adopt the same behavior.

Time, however, runs in favor of the deal. Until the ratification phase of the agreement, South Americans and Europeans in favor of the agreement can work to convince Austria to return to the agreement. The Commission spokeswoman reinforces this line of reasoning. “Basically, ratification has not yet begun. I think this is an important aspect to remember,” she said.

Source: G1

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