China approves Argentine slaughterhouses for export

Sep, 19, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201939

China has granted export licenses to some Argentine meat-processing factories as the Asian country tries to fill an animal protein supply gap after an outbreak of African swine flu decimated the country’s swine herds.

According to Reuters, Chinese customs have recently made checks on meat exporters in the South American country recommended by the Argentine government, but did not specify which companies were approved.

According to the Argentine Embassy in Beijing, the Asian country also approved seven Argentine poultry plants for export to the world’s main meat market last week.

It is worth remembering that China also granted export licenses to 25 Brazilian slaughterhouses.

Uruguayan meat

Uruguay is already a major beef exporter to China. Currently, 22% of China’s beef imports come from this Mercosur country, where cows outnumber the 3m citizens by nearly 4 to 1.

Of the 600,000 tons of beef produced annually in Uruguay, 70% is destined for export. China is the main destination, accounting for 56% of all exports – a number that is sharply increasing. So far this year, shipments to China have increased 42% compared to 2018.

“Uruguay is very well positioned in sanitary terms and has managed to build an image as an exporter of quality meat,” said Ignacio Bartesaghi, director of international business studies at the Catholic University of Uruguay.

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