
Number of ultra-large container vessels growing

Sep, 20, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201939

According to a report by Alphaliner, a wave of ultra-large container vessel (ULCV) deliveries this year has raised total fleet capacity above the 23m TEU mark, with the last million added in the last 14 months.

In recent days alone, sea carriers have received about 91,000 TEU of new vessels, including two 23,000 TEU MSC Gulsun vessels, the 21,230 TEU Cosco Shipping Planet, and the 20,240 TEU Ever Globe.

This year, according to Alphaliner data, ship operators received 108 vessels with a total capacity of 826,000 TEU.

Just a few days ago, MSC introduced the MSC Samar, the third MSC Gulsun Class ship with a capacity of 23.000 TEU. The ship is on its first voyage from Asia to Europe.

Check out some features of MSC Samar:

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