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Mato Grosso confirms interest in setting up Export Processing Zone in Cáceres

Oct, 18, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201943

Mato Grosso Governor Mauro Mendes (DEM) informed the Ministry of Economy of the resumption of the implementation of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) of the municipality of Cáceres, as the works were suspended. The information was transmitted to the executive secretary of the National Council for Export Processing Zones (CZPE), Thaise Dutra, in Brasília. The Council is part of the structure of the Special Secretariat of Productivity, Employment, and Competitiveness of the Ministry of Economy (Sepec/ME).

According to the governor, the works restarted after the project review and analysis of equivalent solutions adopted by other EPZs at different stages in the country. Currently, Brazil has 20 authorized EPZs, of which 19 are under implementation, distributed in 17 states.

Mauro Mendes also reported that the state government has been negotiating with potential investors to disclose the EPZ project and its benefits for the exportation of production in Mato Grosso and the region. For economic viability, it is mandatory to submit the industrial projects for approval before the EPZ goes into operation.

What are EPZs

Export Processing Zones are characterized as free trade areas, intended for the installation of companies focused on the production of goods to be traded abroad. They are considered primary zones for customs control purposes. Companies that settle in EPZs have access to specific tax, exchange, and administrative treatments.

For Brazil, in addition to the expected positive impact on the balance of payments due to the export of goods and the attraction of foreign direct investments, there are benefits such as technological diffusion, job creation, and economic and social development.

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