Ports and Terminals

Malt handling should break historic record in Port of Vitória

Nov, 12, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201947

Malt handling at the Port of Vitória in 2019 is set to hit an all-time record. From January to October, the product grew 43.9% compared to the same period last year, being 271,233 tons and 188,550 tons, respectively. The data are from CODESA’s Planning and Development Coordination (COPLAD).

According to Herbert Sposito, CEO of StartNav (a company that imports malt in ES), the handling of the product this year will probably be the largest since the beginning of the cargo operation records in the Port of Vitória, in 1996. “I believe we will exceed 300,000 tons. All the bulk goes to the country’s beer industry,” adds Sposito.

Malt can be used in the production of beverages (eg whiskey and beer) and food. The year 2019 has been favorable to cargo handling at the Port of Vitória: increases in coffee (306.4%), containers (13.8%), and solid bulk (6.8%) operations.

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