Sugar and Ethanol

Sugarcane crushing exceeds 577m tons

Dec, 20, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 201952

Preliminary data from the South Central production units indicate that the accumulated sugarcane crushing until December 15 has totaled 577.37m tons, with 2.45m tons processed in the first fifteen days of the month.

According to Unica (Sugarcane Industry Union), accumulated sugar production at the end of the first half of December reached 26.44m tons and ethanol production totaled 31.95bn liters, being 9.80bn liters of anhydrous ethanol and 22.16bn liters of hydrous ethanol.

Corn ethanol production reached 26.60m liters of anhydrous and 44.98m liters of hydrate in the first half of December. Accumulated since the beginning of the harvest until December 15, the production of hydrous ethanol from corn reached 653.09m liters and anhydrous 298.81m liters.

The accumulated amount of Total Recoverable Sugars reached 139.27 kg until December 15, registering a high of 0.51% in relation to the value observed until the same fortnight of 2018 (138.56 kg per ton). Only 14 production units went into operation in the second half of December.

Ethanol Sales

Preliminary figures so far indicate that ethanol sales by the Central South producing units reached 1.24bn liters, of which 21.94m liters were for export and 1.22bn liters were for the domestic market.

The volume of anhydrous ethanol sold to the domestic market reached 306.05m liters in the first fifteen days of December. In relation to hydrous ethanol, the biweekly sale was 909.74m liters, with a slight decrease of 2.45% compared to the volume sold in the same period of 2018 (932.55m liters).

Source: Unica

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