Ports and Terminals

Itaqui Port kicks off 2020 with maintenance dredging

Jan, 07, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202002

The Itaqui Port has started 2020 by performing maintenance dredging in its berths 100 to 104. This is being done by EMAP, the Maranhense Port Administration company. This maintenance is one of many that aim at preparing the infrastructure of the port for the future establishment of new terminals, and the second fase of development of the Maranhão Grain Terminal (Tegram).

“The Port of Itaqui must be prepared to meet even greater demands after the record-breaking year of 2019, where 25 million tons of throughput were registered. This represented an increase of over 12% compared to 2018, but looking ahead we expect to reach 14 million tons of grain throughput, due to the development of the second fase of the Tegram terminal, and 3.5 million tons of fertiliser throughput, due to the new and improved structure of COPI’s terminal”, says Ted Lago, the president of Itaqui Port.

Itaqui Port has also planned structural restoration works for their berths and maintenance work for their fenders. As well as road, electrical, and fire-fighting maintenance, among others.

The dredging is expected to be complete in January and will be performed by the Rohde Nielsen company. Itaqui’s eight berths are between 13 and 19 meters deep, which allows for the mooring of large ships.

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