exportação de grãos argentina

Consultants predict corn crop production will be 1.3% down

Jan, 09, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202003

Agroconsult released this Thursday, 09/09, a forecast of corn production in Brazil in the 2019/20 crop. According to the consultancy, there should be a 1.3% decrease in grain production compared to the previous cycle record, totaling 101.6 million tons.

Even so, the total area planted with corn in Brazil should advance 2% to 17.8 million hectares. The area of ​​the second crop, which is the biggest in the country, should total 13 million hectares, growth of 3% over the previous cycle.

The so-called “safrinha” is likely to affect numbers negatively reaching 74 million tons – 3.5% less than last season. This is because it must have a less favorable planting climate window compared to the previous season, when the work could be more advanced.

To get an idea of ​​Brazilian corn exports in 2019, please see the following graph, made from Datamar’s DataLiner data, The graph shows cereal exports per quarter since 2014:

Chart Source: DataLiner / Datamar

Source of report: Reuters

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