Ports and Terminals

Port of Murtinho on Paraguay River will start operations in February

Jan, 26, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202005

The governor of Mato Grosso do Sul, Reinaldo Azambuja, said the inauguration of the new port terminal in the municipality of Porto Murtinho is scheduled for February 24.

Once exports begin flowing from the terminal, FV Cereais, which owns the terminal, intends to consolidate itself as one of the largest exporters in the state.

The company, currently based in Dourados, exports around 1.2 million tons of soy and corn per year at the moment. Following the investments made in the terminal, which reach R$ 110 million, the group will have the capacity to handle two million tons per year of grains and sugar.

To take advantage of the barges that use the river system, the group will import fertilizers from Uruguay. An experimental shipment was already executed in 2018, when 2,000 tons were imported. Savings amounted to about 8% compared to imports via the Port of Paranaguá, and then transported by truck.

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