Ports and Terminals

Brazil’s northern region dominates private port growth

Jan, 27, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202005

According to the Private Port Terminals Association (ATP), in 2019 the Northern region was the one that presented the greatest expansion in the number of private terminals. This is because of the 20 projects authorized nationally, with a total investment estimated at R$1.5 billion, 11 are from this region, mainly focused on liquid bulk handling.

According to the president of ATP, Admiral Murillo Barbosa, movement in the region is due to be boosted by the increase in bauxite production and the completion of the paving of the BR-163 highway to Miritituba (PA), which strengthens the export logistics infrastructure in the region, with growth in soy and corn exports. This trend is expected to be strengthened further in the coming years, with the construction of Ferrogrão and new investments from trading companies.

ATP is also investing in a measure to reduce freight costs for cargo exported via the ports of the Amazon River. Currently, ships traveling in the area cannot be fully loaded because of the depth at the river’s outlet to the sea. The current draft is 11.7 meters, whilst the ideal draft should be 12.5 meters.

“The ship enters the Amazon with 80% of the cargo, but full freight is paid,” explained the admiral. An increase in the draft by one meter would provide savings of US$57 million per year in freight, estimates ATP.

Source: Valor Econômico


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