Pro Trilhos Rio de Janeiro / malhas ferroviárias reidi
Ports and Terminals

Bioceanic train project between Peruvian and Brazilian ports on hold due to lack of interest from Bolsonaro

Jan, 27, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202005

Peru’s Transport and Communications Minister (MTC), Edmer Trujillo, informed that the project for the construction of a bioceanic train that would connect the port of Ilo, in Peru, to the port of Santos, in Brazil – also passing through Bolivia and Paraguay – remains paused due to Brazil’s lack of interest.

That’s because President Jair Bolsonaro is focussing more on another bioceanic corridor project that connects Brazil to Chile’s ports. “Bolsonaro is no longer betting on the Bolivian and Peruvian side, he is betting on the Chilean side. So the project is currently on hold,” says Trujillo.

In June 2019, the governments of Peru and Bolivia prepared a feasibility study to build a train corridor that would link the coast of the Pacific Ocean (in Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean (in Brazil), thus boosting trade with the world.

The Peruvian government had previously said that the rail plan could cost around US$7.5 billion in Peruvian territory and that the financing could come from China, South America’s main export market.


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