Trade Regulations

Brazilian officials positive about growing trade relations with China

Feb, 04, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202007

The commercial relationship between Brazil and China was the central theme of the meeting between Minister Tereza Cristina (Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) and the Chinese ambassador Yang Wanming, this Tuesday morning (04/02). “We addressed our commercial partnerships, which should continue smoothly and without any problems, because Brazil is an important partner for China in the area of ​​agricultural products”, said the minister after the meeting.

He pointed out that China has opened up its market to receive Brazilian melons and is currently analyzing the possibility of receiving grapes too. “With the opening of the market to melons, our entrepreneurs are making contacts in China to be able to export. We have already started working on the grape health certificate, which is the next fruit that Brazil wants to export to China, ”he said.

The ambassador reported on the measures taken by the Chinese government in relation to the coronavirus. “We will follow it closely and value the close working relationship with the ambassador in this respect, always keeping us informed, but for now everything is normal, ”said the minister, adding that the health issue is under the coordination of the Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta.

According to the minister, with regard to the agricultural sector, there is no restriction on trade between the two countries due to the coronavirus outbreak. Brazil’s main exports to China are soybeans, beef, pork and chicken.

“We have a refrigerator enabling procedure that is moving along well. This is normal procedure in China, in ministries and in customs. Nothing has changed. What may have hindered the movement was the Chinese New Year holiday, which was prolonged because of the coronavirus ”, he argued.  The ambassador stated that the commercial relationship between the two countries in the agricultural sector is long-lasting and will be closer every day. “The Chinese government is dedicated to maintaining this long-term and stable relationship with the Brazilian government. Brazilian agricultural products are welcome. I do not believe that the Sino-Brazilian relationship will be damaged (by the outbreak) ”, he said.

In addition to the minister and the ambassador, Secretary of Commerce and International Relations, Orlando Ribeiro, advisory minister Qu Yuhui, and diplomat Zhu Yue also attended the meeting.

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