
Argentina abaixa previsão do ano safra 2018/19 para 19,2m toneladas

nov, 28, 2018 Postado pordatamarnews


A bolsa de grãos de Buenos Aires revisou para baixo sua previsão da colheita de trigo da safra 2018-19 de 19,4m para 19,2m. No meio tempo, o preço do trigo armazenado deve subir após dezembro e janeiro conforme a oferta baixa. O preço do trigo para embarques em dezembro deve ficar em US$218 por tonelada FOB e em janeiro em US$222. De acordo com a câmara da indústria de soja argentina (ACSOJA), a esperança que o país tinha de embarcar farelo de soja para a China não avançou devido ao desejo chinês de primeiro avaliar as plantas argentinas de trituração de soja. A Argentina vê a oportunidade de exportar seu produto enquanto os Estados Unidos mantém uma disputa comercial com a China.


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Argentina’s 2018-19 wheat harvest seen at 19.2 mln tonnes -exchange

Argentina’s 2018-19 wheat crop is seen at 19.2 million tonnes, lower than the 19.4 million tonnes estimated previously, the Buenos Aires Grains Exchange said.

Argentina is one of the world’s major exporters of wheat, shipping much of its harvest to its neighbor, Brazil.

Argentinian wheat prices to become supportive of global prices from Q1 2019: trade

Argentinian wheat is expected to become bullish after December and January as supply gets tighter and the carry per month gets stronger, market sources said this week.
Currently, global prices are expected to dampen in December and January on the Argentinian harvest taking place, with around 40% of it expected to be completed by the end of November.
But with 30% of the new crop already sold, a figure considered high at this stage due to December being mostly committed and January sales at full capacity, sources expect the carry to pick up from February onward.
Argentinian wheat was heard offered on a FOB basis late Thursday for December loading at $218/mt, while January is offered at $222/mt.
Equivalent Russia-origin wheat is offered at $226/mt and $231/mt, respectively, showing a much higher carry.
But from February, when Argentina is expected to focus sales on Brazil, deals are expected to happen at $225/mt and $230/mt in March, rising further in April if wheat is still available to be exported.
The most recent USDA WASDE report expects Argentina to export 14.2 million mt of the 19.5 million mt of wheat it is forecast to produce.

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