Ports and Terminals

Brazilian port sector handled total of 1.104 billion tons in 2019

Feb, 13, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202008

Cargo handling in the Brazilian port sector (public ports and terminals for private use) fell by 1.6% last year compared to 2018, with a total of 1.104 billion tons handled. Over the past nine years, however, cargo handling grew by 31.5%. This information was released Thursday (13/02) by the Statistics and Performance Evaluation Department of ANTAQ.  Private ports accounted for 66% of total movement last year and recorded an average annual growth (2010-2019) of 3.4%. Public ports grew by an annual average  of 2.5%.

One of the points that contributed to the dip in the growth trend last year was less handling of iron ore. In 2019, 39.2 million tons less were shifted than in 2018 – a decrease of 10% to 367.8 million tons. Another factor was the drop in soybean movement by 10%. Meanwhile, handling of oil and oil products increased 11% in 2019  to 224.7 million tons. Corn grew 75% compared with 2018, to  55.7 million tons.

Santos (SP) ranked first in volume handled, at 106.2 million tons. Second was Paranaguá (PR) with 47.5 million tons, and third placed was Itaguaí (RJ), at 43.2 million tons. The study points out that ten Brazilian ports are responsible for 85% of Brazil`s total port sector movement.  Regarding private terminals, Ponta da Madeira (MA) ranked first with 190.1 million tons handled. Second was Tubarão (ES), and in third place Baía da Ilha Terminal (Tebig) in Rio de Janeiro.

In 2019, long-distance shipping transported 794.8 million tons, of which 643.4 million tons were exported and 151.4 million tons imported. In cabotage, 240.3 million tons were transported last year. Inland navigation grew 7.5% year-on-year to 65.7 million tons.

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