Tradelane Graphs

DataLiner Tradelane Charts | January 2012 to December 2019 (TEU)

Mar, 04, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202011

DataLiner tradelane charts show Brazil’s trade with the world’s main trading regions during 2019. The analysis and graphs below are built from DataLiner, Datamar’s foreign trade data intelligence tool.

Exports to the Mediterranean and Black Sea reached 235,342 TEU in 2019. In 2018, they stood at 232,143 TEU. On imports, in 2019 they stood at 187,786 TEU. In 2018, that figure had been 181,902 TEU

Meanwhile, exports to the Far East, Southeast Asia and Oceania reached 711,370 TEU in 2019 compared to 643,673 TEU in 2018, an increase of 11%. Imports stood at 1,114,160 TEU in 2019 up from 1,012,798 TEU in 2018, a 10% rise.

Exports to Northern Europe and the Baltic region on the other hand fell in 2019 to 364,106 TEU compared to 385,238 TEU in 2018. Imports from the region in 2019 reached 476,901 TEU a drop compared to the 488,415 TEU in 2018.

Exports to Southeast Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent reached 66.090 TEU in 2019, as against 76.927 TEU in 2018. Imports in 2019 were 6,625 TEU marginally higher than 6,533 TEU in 2018. [ wpdatachart id = 23]

Exports to West Africa in 2019 reached 96,744 TEU. In 2018, this figure had been 102,462 TEU. Imports in 2019 reached 1,914 TEU while in 2018 that value had been 2,174 TEU. [Wpdatachart id = 24]

See below the data of Brazilian foreign trade with other regions of the world:

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