Ports and Terminals

ANTAQ praises new health measures stipulated by Anvisa in fight against coronavirus

Mar, 26, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202014

On Thursday (26/03), the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) released details of a series of new health measures to be adopted in fighting the new coronavirus pandemic at ports and on vessels. The recommendations follow the guidelines laid out by the World Health Organization  In addition, Anvisa will also issue lhealth measure recommendations related to coming in and out of the country via road and air, as well as interstate and intercity transportation.

“The measures are extremely important in bringing specific recommendations for all the entities in the sector”, said ANTAQ’s substitute general director, Francisval Mendes, commenting on the document. According to Mendes, at this moment it is essential to preserve the health and safety of people who work at ports and on boats. “It is important, for example, that port worker know when and how to use personal protective equipment. With simple attitudes like this, combined with other more complex measures to block the entry of the coronavirus at our ports, we will guarantee the continuity of activities essential to water transport to continue to supply our country ”, he said.

According to ANTAQ’s director, Adalberto Tokarski, the recommendations have come at the right time. “Continued functioning of ports and waterway transport is essential for goods, inputs and supplies to reach all parts of the country at this critical moment,” he declared.  Tokarski recalled that in the Northern Region, in many cases rivers are the only option to transport people and goods. “Therefore, ANTAQ’s measures are aimed at protecting the people working in the sector whilst guaranteeing continuity of waterway transportation for all communities in all corners of the country,” he said.

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