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Other Logistics

List expands for items granted priority customs clearance in fight against coronavirus

Mar, 29, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202014

The Federal Revenue has expanded the list of imported products that qualify for priority dispatching to help fight the coronavirus pandemic. A new regulation published in the Federal Official Gazette on March 27th, gives priority to products such as chloroquine and its derivatives, test kits for Covid-19 and automatic DNA sequencers, among other items.

As foreseen in RFB Normative Instruction 1.927, published in the previous week, these products will clear customs faster, with the importer being able to receive the goods even before the customs procedure is concluded. In addition, import declarations involving these goods must have priority treatment, both by the Federal Revenue units, and by the deposit responsible for its custody.

The initial list published last week covered 33 categories of products intended to combat Covid-19, and addressed items such as alcohol gel and protective equipment. With the new additions, the number of categories increased to 91, and now includes equipment such as sterilizers, equipment for intubation and medicinal oxygen. With the new rule, the IRS seeks to maintain a fast flow of goods, merchandise and raw materials destined to fight the epidemic and to avoid bottlenecks in customs.

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