Ports and Terminals

Navy investigates 20cm draft increase at Barra Norte channel on Amazon river

Apr, 07, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202016

The Brazilian Navy authorized the beginning of tests to increase the draft from 11.7 meters to 11.9 meters in the Barra Norte channel, on the Amazon River. Ordinance 122/2020 was signed on March 30 by Vice Admiral Newton de Almeida Costa Neto, of the 4th Naval District Comand.

The president of ATP (Association of Private Port Terminals), Murillo Barbosa considers this action by the navy positive. According to him, an increase in the draft would significantly increase cargo movement and enhances the productivity of the operation, in addition to helping attract investments such as in new terminals, leading to the economic development of the northern region.

“A 20 cm increase in the draft may represent an increase in cargo transport capacity for each vessel of around 1,800 tons. In addition to allowing transport of a greater amount of cargo, the move promotes an improvement in efficiency and a reduction in logistics costs in the north of the country,” explained Barbosa.

The region is a route for the transportation of the grain and ore, mainly from the midwest, and has registered an annual increase in the volume transported, driven by records in the soybean and corn harvest.  After tests are concluded, the analysis resulting from the reports by the navy will be defined within 30 days.

Source: Portos e Navios

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