brazilian meat imports

Egypt licences another 42 Brazilian slaughterhouses for export

Apr, 08, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202016

Egypt has licensed 42 new Brazilian slaughterhouses to export meat to its market. Amongst them are 15 beef slaughterhouses and 27 poultry slaughterhouses, which can already start selling to the Arab country after authorization by Egypt`s General Organization of Veterinary Services on March 31.

The agricultural attaché at the Brazilian embassy in Cairo, Cesar Simas Teles, informed that the Arab country has also renewed qualifications of 95 exporters who already participate in this market, 82 of which are beef slaughterhouses. According to Teles, the negotiation for the new qualifications involved the Secretariat for Trade and International Relations and the Secretariat for Agricultural Defense, both from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, the Brazilian embassy in Egypt and the Egyptian health authorities.

The Arab country’s quest to expand its suppliers has resulted precisely in the midst of fears over food supplies running short due to the coronavirus crisis. “This negotiation had been taking place since the beginning of the year. Brazil and Egypt are negotiating and exchanging information so that the Brazilian animal inspection system can be recognized. I believe that this pandemic only accelerated a decision that was due to be taken,”  said Teles.

Egypt imported 51,000 tons of poultry from Brazil in 2019, with revenues of US$67.9 million. It was also the third-largest market for Brazil’s beef exports, buying 165,500 tons last year. The volume represented US$484 million in value.  In recent months, with the entry of China as a buyer market and the increase in prices of Brazilian beef, however, Egypt has been losing its ranking. “In 2019, Egypt was the third-largest market for Brazilian beef, which places this market in a very prominent position. These new plants are expected to increase Brazilian exports, but the Egyptian market is very sensitive to price and the increase in international prices has caused Brazilian exports to decrease,” explained Teles.

Source: Brazil-Arab News Agency

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