lista Covid
Trade Regulations

141 more products have import tax zeroed to combat the pandemic

Apr, 19, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202017

Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex) of the economy ministry, zeroed import taxes on 141 new products aimed at fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. This covers medicines (such as dipyrone and paracetamol); medication supplies; hospital equipment (such as diagnostic ultrasound, kits for tracheostomy and laryngeal masks); in addition to hygiene products (such as medicinal soaps and liquid soaps).

Resolution No. 32/2020 of the Executive Management Committee of Camex (Gecex), published this Friday (17/4) in the Federal Official Gazette, covers products classified in 92 NCM codes. With the new resolution, the number of products that have had their import tariff zeroed to fight the pandemic reaches 313. The first four tariff reductions were implemented by Gecex resolutions Nº 17/2020, Nº 22/2020, Nº 28/2020 and Nº 31/2020.

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