Brazilian fruit exports fall by 2% in the first quarter of 2020

Apr, 28, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202019

In the first three months of 2020, Brazil exported more than 234,000 tons of fruit, a drop of only 2% compared to the same period last year. Despite the reduction, some fruits showed significant growth such as avocados (126%), apples (56%), and lemons (46%) during this period.

Exports totaled US$183 million, 8% less compared to the first quarter of 2019. Among the main exported fruits, there was a drop in shipments of oranges (58%), grapes (44%), mangos (23%), and melons (8%). According to the executive director of the Brazilian Fruit and Derivatives Export Producers Association (Abrafrutas), Eduardo Brandão, the main factor in the reduction was the low quality of the fruit, caused by adverse climatic factors in some important production hubs in the first months of the year.

“There was a drop in exports of important fruits such as melons, grapes, mangoes, and oranges. However, we had a significant increase in others such as lemons, avocados, and apples. In the case of lemons, the increase in the harvest in the first quarter of 2020 caused prices to fall on the domestic market and producers to increase exports. Another factor that favored us was the problems with the Mexican harvest, which allowed us to gain a bigger share of the export market”.

Brandão also pointed out a small reduction in the consumption of fruit on the foreign market, especially in Europe, due to the coronavirus pandemic, which explains the decrease in volumes exported in this period. Also according to the director of Abrafrutas, in the case of grapes and mangoes, the volume exported historically is low, representing around 20% of the total volume of exports in the year. It is worth mentioning that 97% of grapes, and 94% of mangoes exported by Brazil, are sourced from the São Francisco Valley.


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