Commodities Commodities Aug, 26, 2021 0 ECSA merchandise ranking Exports via containers from the East Coast of South America grew 4% in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. Imports grew even more, at … Commodities Jun, 22, 2021 0 ECSA merchandise exports up 7% From January to April, exports of goods from countries on the East Coast of South America reached 1,151,038 TEU, growing 7% compared to the same period in 2020. The data… Commodities Apr, 25, 2021 0 Ranking of commodities on the East Coast of South America In the first two months of the year, international container handling on the east coast of South America (ECSA) registered a 2% increase in exports and an 11% increase in… Commodities Feb, 24, 2021 0 TEU ranking of Brazil exports and imports in 2020 Which goods were handled in the highest volumes in 2020? Which products had the greatest growth in exports? And the biggest drop? To answer these questions, the DatamarNews team conducted… Commodities Jan, 27, 2021 0 Dry-cargo container rankings | Jan to Nov 2019-2020 The handling of dry-cargo containers can be considered a thermometer of a country’s economy. Therefore, the DatamarNews team prepared a ranking of Brazil’s most exported and imported goods via dry-cargo… Commodities Jan, 17, 2021 0 DataLiner ranks Brazil’s most imported and exported goods from January to November 2020 DatamarNews is periodically publishing a ranking of the main goods imported and exported by containers through Brazil according to DataLiner data. The ranking below covers the period from January to… Commodities Dec, 14, 2020 0 DataLiner ranks Brazil’s container imports and exports for January – October 2020 DatamarNews publishes a monthly ranking of Brazil’s main goods imported and exported by container according to DataLiner data. The ranking below covers the period from January to October 2020. The… Commodities Oct, 28, 2020 0 DataLiner ranks Brazil’s container imports and exports for January – August 2020 DatamarNews publishes a monthly ranking of Brazil’s main goods imported and exported by container according to DataLiner data. The ranking below covers the period from January to August 2020: Ranking… Commodities Sep, 14, 2020 0 DATALINER RANKS MAIN IMPORTS & EXPORTS FOR JAN-JULY 2020 DatamarNews publishes a monthly ranking of the main goods imported and exported by Brazilian containers according to DataLiner data. The ranking below covers the period from January to July 2020.… Commodities Aug, 21, 2020 0 Ranking of containerized commodities traded by Brazil in first semester In a year of great economic uncertainties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, some goods stand out in the ranking of containerized commodities most traded in the first half of 2020… Posts pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 Next