
120 animals to be slaughtered in Ceará swine fever region

Oct, 19, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202140

After the identification of classical swine fever at a subsistence farm, 120 animals from properties close to the location of the disease will be sacrificed to contain the spread of the virus in Marco, in the interior of Ceará. The information was passed on by Jarier Oliveira, Manager of Agricultural Management at ADAGRI (the agricultural defense agency of Ceará.

“Initially, the focus property is banned, that is, no animal can leave the property. After that, we set up a task force in the region to verify which surrounding properties are linked to the focus location. 18 other producers were notified, totaling 120 pigs that must be slaughtered,” said Jarier.

The disease has made the residents of the region apprehensive, but it does not pose risks to human health. “It is a disease that does not pass on to humans, but as it is a matter of public health, with animal mortality, it is a very big problem that must be contained”, emphasizes Oliveira.

Source: G1

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