
300 companies sign ‘Neptune Declaration’ to assist crews trapped by Covid-19

Jan, 27, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202104

On January 26th, more than 300 large companies pledged to work together to help hundreds of thousands of merchant sailors trapped on ships for many months due to Covid-19. About 90% of world trade is transported by sea, and coronavirus restrictions in many countries are affecting global supply chains.

In December 2020, the UN General Assembly asked countries to designate seafarers as essential workers. However, ship crews are still struggling to switch places with colleagues on land.

Maritime industry officials say many sailors are no longer able to cope and many have been at sea for more than 11 months.

The companies, which include transportation groups such as AP Moller Maersk, the mining companies Anglo American and Rio Tinto, the main oil companies BP and Royal Dutch Shell, as well as the commercial companies Cargill, Trafigura, and Vitol, will increase information sharing since they have now signed the “Neptune Declaration”.

Signatories will also increase collaboration between shipping operators and charterers to accelerate crew changes.

Source: Ports and Ships

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