Ports and Terminals

324 kilos of cocaine seized during routine inspection at Paranaguá container terminal

Nov, 04, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202046

The agents and police who work in the inspection of the goods that are moved in the terminal located the packages of the drug during a routine monitoring action.
The teams have a high-precision scanner and when they identify a suspicious situation inside a container, it is separated and opened. It was the seventeenth seizure of cocaine at the port’s container terminal this year. In all, more than 5.5 tons of the drug were seized during the inspections performed in 2020.

The last one was on September 26, when approximately 254 kilos of drugs were seized. The narcotic bags were placed inside a container loaded with paper spools to be sent to the Spanish port of Algeciras.

In addition to the inspection work carried out at the port’s container terminal, the Federal Police and the Federal Revenue Service monitor suspicious companies linked to the goods export sector. All seized drugs are sent to the Federal Police Superintendence in Curitiba, which continues with the investigations. No arrests were made.

Source: Folha do Litoral

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