33% of Brazilian territory is made up of areas with native vegetation that is preserved on rural properties
Oct, 26, 2021 Posted by Ruth HollardWeek 202141
The areas with preservation of native vegetation on rural properties in Brazil total 282.8 million hectares, equivalent to 33.2% of the Brazilian territory, according to new data from Embrapa Territorial.
The study used information from the National Rural Environmental Registry System (SiCAR), with numbers up to February 2021, in addition to the 2017 Agricultural Census. The geographic coordinates of the two databases were crossed checked and 1.8 million establishments without the CAR were identified.
“Having the geographic coordinates of nearly 6 million agricultural establishments allowed us to quantify those who in 2021 have not yet registered with the CAR, and allows us to identify the patterns of their territorial distribution”, says the general head of Embrapa Territorial, Evaristo de Miranda, research coordinator, in a note.
With the average data on native vegetation collected by the IBGE Census, Embrapa Territorial estimated at 55.4 million hectares the areas dedicated to preservation in establishments not registered in SiCAR, equivalent to 6.5% of the national territory.
The areas mapped by producers in SiCAR until February 2021 and registered as native vegetation reach 227.4 million hectares, or 26.7% of Brazil.
According to the analysis by Embrapa Territorial, most producers not registered with SiCAR are in the Amazon, in the semi-arid northeast, and in regions marked by family farming.
Source: Valor Econômico
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